After 20 successful years producing our Geo®/Suzuki® auto engine conversions for Homebuilt Aircraft, we are making the switch to the Honda® L15A as our core engine. Our newest 'STOL-Max'® 115/140+HP Honda® Jazz/Fit performance engine package is being designed specifically for the Zenith® 650/750 and our own STOL Cargo Aircraft design. Our Suzuki® redrive kits and complete engines are no longer in production. We will still offer parts/service as the new Honda® engine package uses the same proven drive components.

Our Free Educational Seminars at CopperState Airshow in Casa Grande, AZ this month: Honda Jazz/Fit Auto Engine Conversion 115-140+ HP- Friday Oct.23rd at 2:00pm and Sat. Oct.24th at 10:00am. Suzuki G10 Again? 60HP 110lb. 4-Stroke Engine Conversion- Friday Oct.23rd at 3:00pm and Sat. Oct.24th at 11:00am. Hope to see some of you there!

*Honda® Photo Coming 

Our new Honda® 1500-XV 115HP at 189 lbs.coming in 2016. 1500-XVT 140+HP Turbo in 2017.

Vertical Honda® 115/140HP engine layout replaces our proven flat Suzuki® 1300SVS. Lower parts count, narrower performance cowling, with our trademark 'STOL-Max'® tech for both maximum takeoff performance AND economy cruise.

P.O. Box 469, El Prado, NM 87529  303-440-6234   [email protected]

Doctor Mac in Palm Springs CA provides help keeping Raven's Apple Macintosh computers up and flying!